Are You a Career Coach Looking to Grow Your Business?

We Help Career Coaches Reach $1M In Profit By:

We Help Career Coaches Reach $1M In Profit By:

  • Increasing the number of qualified leads who ask about your services

  • Scaling your sales process and revenue without scaling your stress

  • Improving client results so that every client you serve brings you more future clients

  • Making sure you are only working on the items that you want to work on without any parts of your coaching business dropping

  • Giving you a community where you can meet other career coaches who have broken $1 million and beyond

Accepting New Applicants

Success Stories from the Circle:

🔗 Shane Hummus, Career Coach for Remote Jobs

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After one year with Purple Circle:

  • Grew his revenue from $100k per month to $300k per month (3.6 million per year). Expected to hit $800K/month by the end of the second year.
  • Freed up his time from working "in the business" to now working "on the business", freeing up his time to travel, start a second business, and be happier.
  • Is on track to grow his YouTube channel to over 1M subscribers.

🔗 Christian Martin, Career Coach for Digital Marketers

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After two months with Purple Circle:

  • Achieved his first $100k month within 30 days of joining and reached $200k month less than two months later
  • Transitioned from a one person team to a skilled business owner.
  • Found a supporting community and formed lasting friendships within the mastermind.

🔗 Alex Barker, Career Coach for Pharmacists

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After four months with Purple Circle:

  • Alex went from nearly closing down his business to having record weeks and months.
  • Changed from feeling depressed thinking about his business to waking up and enjoying the work he is doing.
  • Reduced working time by over 100 hours per month to have time to be with family and pursue creative endeavors while his business continues to grow.

🔗 Fabian Reinhardt, Career Coach for Artists

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After one year with Purple Circle:

  • Turned his struggling business around and sold it for life changing money.
  • Learned to make better decisions, helping him focus on what really matters for his business.
  • Found the confidence to try new things, allowing him to enjoy life and start new projects after selling his business.

🔗 Nae Tanaka, Career Coach for High School Students

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After one month with Purple Circle:

  • Successfully hired her first full-time operations manager, freeing her up significant time to focus on growth and development.
  • Expanded her coaching team to include three exceptional coaches, which increased the company's revenue by $100,000.
  • Gained greater clarity and focus, allowing her to concentrate on high-impact activities and move her business forward effectively.

🔗 Tom Rogers, Career Coach for Bloggers

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After two years with Purple Circle:

  • Increased his earnings from a few hundred thousand to over $2.5 million.
  • Transformed his approach to business by learning to make intentional decisions and effectively structure his offers, teams, and operations.
  • Improved his focus on key tasks and strategies, making his workflow more efficient and boosting his business growth.

🔗 Sharine Chen, Career Coach for Software Engineers

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After two months with Purple Circle:

  • Was able to grow her company beyond what was previously thought possible.
  • Added systems and processes that were missing.
  • Created a better and more sustainable work culture for her company.

🔗 Sarah MacGregor, Career Coach for Pharmacists

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After four months with Purple Circle:

  • Transitioned from relying on emergency funds to meet payroll to achieving a 500%+ increase in monthly revenue.
  • Went from waves of refund requests to being oversubscribed.
  • Improved team performance by replacing underperformers with star performers while reducing overall costs.

🔗 Mike Swigunski, Career Coach for Freelance Writers

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After three months with Purple Circle:

  • Transitioned from relying on emergency funds to meet payroll to achieving a 500%+ increase in monthly revenue.
  • Went from waves of refund requests to being oversubscribed.
  • Improved team performance by replacing underperformers with star performers while reducing overall costs.

🔗 Thomas Tenova, Career Coach for Freelance Writers

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After three months with Purple Circle:

  • From nearly shutting down the business to a $70k month within 3 months.
  • Not far away from hitting his first big milestone of $100k MRR.
  • From being devastated and feeling challenged to having an improved life.

🔗 Jamie Toyne, Career Coach for Founders

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After three months with Purple Circle:

  • Implemented effective systems around the sales process, resulting in increased leads and confident trajectory for scaling his business.
  • Overcame limiting beliefs and gained grounded confidence, leading to more significant goals and assurance to achieve them.
  • Experienced substantial personal growth, including improved mental health and overall well-being, directly linked to professional success.

🔗 Ray Blakney, Career Coach for Educators

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After six months with Purple Circle:

  • Gained 5 big-ticket coaching clients within a few weeks.
  • Increased his personal income from 0 to mid-6 figures in less than 6 months.
  • Is on track to hit 7-figures in the next 12-24 months with high-profit margins.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is considered a career coach?

We consider you a Career Coach if you fall into at least one of these four categories.

  1. You help your clients get a new job (examples include but not limited to, “becoming a digital marketer”, “becoming an entrepreneur”, “becoming a content writer”)

  2. You help your clients prepare for a job switch (examples include but not limited to, resume coaching, interviewing coaching)

  3. You help your clients get better/advance in their current role (examples include but not limited to executive coaching, leadership coaching, mindset coaching)

  4. You help your clients achieve milestones that will later impact their career (examples include but not limited to, MBA admissions consulting, CFA exam coaching)

What is Purple Circle?

At Purple Circle, career coaches come together to learn, grow, and change the lives of those we serve. 

But we don't stop at transforming ourselves. Our mission—our purpose—is to change the world, one life at a time. Driven by our audacious aim to transform 1 billion lives, we're not just seeking to be the best in the world. We aspire to be the best for the world.

In the Purple Circle, we believe that as coaches, we can’t help others reach their potential when we haven’t reached our own. 

So, when you join Purple Circle, you are not just joining a community. You are becoming part of a powerful movement. You are joining a tribe of coaches committed to changing lives, transforming careers, and shaping the future of coaching. This isn't just a community, it's a movement to transform lives.

How do I know if Purple Circle is for me?

Purple Circle is the right community for you if you want the following three objectives for your career coaching business:

  1. You want to scale your business to at least $1 million USD in profits, not revenue, but actual cash in your bank, and you’re looking for a proven process to achieve this.

  2. You’re stuck in tasks you don’t enjoy, which drain your energy & time, and you want to find a way to free up your time while the business continues to free up your time so you can focus on activities you want to focus on.

  3. You are obsessed with your clients' results. You want to improve the outcomes for the clients you work with so you can truly make a positive impact in this world. You dislike other coaching offers that promise the world but don’t deliver, and you want to be known as the go-to coach for the people you serve.

How will you help me scale my business?

With our unique Done-with-You approach, we’re helping coaching businesses three-fold:

  1. We help you scale your marketing so that you get high-quality potential clients.

  2. We help you convert potential clients into paying clients with an enrollment process that works consistently without needing to do the calls yourself.

  3. We help you improve your clients' success so your clients become your biggest fans.

What is the difference between Purple Circle and other coaching communities?

Purple Circle is an exclusive mastermind for career coaching businesses. Unlike other business masterminds, coaching groups, and membership forums, Purple Circle specializes solely in serving career coaching businesses, offering an environment where your unique challenges are understood and your success is celebrated.

Purple Circle members own career coaching businesses and make six to nine figures a year. They want to grow their businesses, work less on the parts of the business they don’t enjoy, and make a greater impact on the world.

The founder of Purple Circle has built and coached seven-, eight-, and nine-figure career coaching businesses and built the community so that other career coaches can succeed.

Our focus on career coaching businesses gives us the edge – we understand your needs, aspirations, and pain points better than anyone else. We help career coaching businesses like yours generate more revenue and get more results for your clients.

Purple Circle is more than a professional network. It's a mission-driven community committed to helping you reach your personal and professional goals.

Join Purple Circle and be part of the revolution transforming the career coaching landscape. Witness the growth in your business, your personal life, and your impact on the world. Our success stories speak for themselves.

What are the qualifications to be a member?

Working with many different coaching businesses, we can provide the best results for career coaches that fit into specific criteria. So, to make sure that we can help you, please make sure that:

We will help:

✅ You have an existing coaching business doing at least 100,000 USD in the past 12 months or recently exited a business in the past 24 months.

✅ You have a record of making an impact and caring about your client’s results; for example, you can provide client testimonials that we can use to validate your client's results.

✅ You do complete the application form with honest answers.

We won’t help:

❌ New coaching brands or offers that have yet to be tested in the marketplace. We're not the best fit for you if you want to validate your first coaching offer. We are the make-your-millionth and ten-millionth dollar community, not the make-your-first dollar.

❌ Coaches who follow unethical practices don’t help their end clients who are buying. We won’t coach any business that we won’t recommend to our friends and family.

❌ Coaches who are a toxic fit for the community. There is an interview process to be selected.

How much is the investment?

The investments in support from Purple Circle vary depending on your situation and membership level. We will share more details during our intro call.

What is the format?

Purple Circle is getting into the weeds with you. We will have 1:1 coaching calls with you led by a Results Coach who has already done and helped others achieve what you want to achieve.

Besides, you will get private access to this Results Coach, and you will receive an answer within 24 hours during the week.

You will also be part of a community with other coaches at the same or above your level. You have the chance to attend community mastermind calls, where we educate on high-level business strategies such as hiring a team of coaches, scaling your marketing, and hiring a leadership team to run the day-to-day of the business.

How do I become a member?

To get to know you and your challenges better and to find the right solution for you, we have a three-step application process in place:

  1. Click Apply to Join on this page and fill out our brief application.

  2. We will contact you to schedule an introduction call to discuss whether we can help you and whether this is a good fit for both of us.

  3. If we both decide to move forward, we will have an enrollment call where we will explain how and when you can join Purple Circle.